Walter de Barros Júnior (Walter)

Personal Information

1,78 m • 60 years old • São José dos Campos Sp Brasil
  • Amateur tennis player
  • Right-handed
  • Backhand: Two hands
  • How old were you when you began to play?: 40
  • I`ve already taken classes
  • Frequency: Regularly
  • Reasonable serve and good shots, but the mis-hits haunt me


  • 12996308707

Personal Information

1,78 m • 60 years old • São José dos Campos Sp Brasil
  • Amateur tennis player
  • Right-handed
  • Backhand: Two hands
  • How old were you when you began to play?: 40
  • I`ve already taken classes
  • Frequency: Regularly
  • Reasonable serve and good shots, but the mis-hits haunt me


  • 12996308707

No information at this time.


No information at this time.

Atividades recentes
Walterhas posted on the wall ofWalteron 24/07/2024, 20:06
Calebe has posted on the wall ofWalteron 24/07/2024, 00:31
Water podemos jogar no domingo dia 28/07/2024
Walterhas posted on the wall ofWalteron 08/06/2024, 18:25