Alcides Matias da Silva (Alcides Matias )

Personal Information

1,83 m • 48 years old • Foz do Iguaçu Pr Brasil
  • Amateur tennis player
  • Right-handed
  • Backhand: Two hands
  • How old were you when you began to play?: 45
  • I`ve already taken classes
  • Frequency: Regularly
  • Reasonable serve and good shots, but the mis-hits haunt me


  • 45999142923

Personal Information

1,83 m • 48 years old • Foz do Iguaçu Pr Brasil
  • Amateur tennis player
  • Right-handed
  • Backhand: Two hands
  • How old were you when you began to play?: 45
  • I`ve already taken classes
  • Frequency: Regularly
  • Reasonable serve and good shots, but the mis-hits haunt me


  • 45999142923

No information at this time.

Atividades recentes
Group Ranking Pangarés (simples)
Coment (0)
Group Ranking Pangarés (simples)
Coment (1)
Group Ranking Pangarés (simples)
Coment (0)
Newton Dinizon 08/09/2023, 11:21
you have begun a friendship withAlcides Matias
Sumaya Klaime Dinizon 08/09/2023, 11:21
you have begun a friendship withAlcides Matias
Group Ranking Pangarés (simples)
Coment (0)
Group Ranking Pangarés (simples)
Coment (2)