Create Your Challenges Pyramid Ranking

Form groups with other
players to share
content and see stats!
Challenge your friends

Challenge members of your
group, schedule matches and
organise tournaments!
Be Number 1!

Win matches and advance in the
players' rankings of your
group. Be Number 1!
Sign up to join the network, meet and add tennis players from all over the world, chat with your friends online and have access to a lot of information about tennis.
It`s totally free!
And if you like to play, create your ranking, invite your friends and let RANKING TENNIS CLUB do the rest. Processing is all automatic and you just have to challenge your friends and play. On the first day of each period, the new ranking is released.
You will feel the ATP. See how it works:
You organise your initial ranking in the order you want. From there, everyone can challenge directly on the site and those challenged receive the challenge at the same time directly via email, or on the wall of your group.
After that, each one reports the results of their matches and the RANKING TENNIS CLUB takes care of the processing.
Click here to see more about the regulations.
Join us !